Sep 1, 2012
Bodenseestadion (Konstanz, Baden-Württemberg)
Tour Rarity Rank: 13th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
Blitzkrieg Bop(Intro)Cover
1. Welcome to Paradise
15 of 16
575 of 732
2. Murder City
12 of 13
53 of 63
3. Know Your Enemy
10 of 11
170 of 410
4. Holiday
10 of 13
720 of 1174
5. Let Yourself Go
12 of 14
12 of 29
6. Oh Love
15 of 20
15 of 66
7. Letterbomb
13 of 14
61 of 242
8. Hitchin' a Ride
14 of 15
566 of 774
9. Iron Man / Highway to Hell / Master of PuppetsTour Debut
1 of 1
2 of 2
10. Brain Stew
11 of 12
580 of 680
11. St. Jimmy
14 of 16
321 of 564
12. Boulevard of Broken Dreams
7 of 8
309 of 554
13. Burnout
7 of 8
144 of 315
14. 2000 Light Years Away
11 of 12
409 of 534
15. KnowledgeCover
2 of 2
581 of 756
16. Basket Case
9 of 11
761 of 1028
17. She
13 of 14
806 of 1122
18. King for a Day
7 of 8
492 of 688
19. Shout / Stand by Me / (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction / Hey JudeTour Debut
1 of 1
8 of 10
20. Minority
10 of 10
475 of 719
21. American IdiotEncore
13 of 15
360 of 623
22. 99 RevolutionsEncore
10 of 11
10 of 66
23. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)Encore
5 of 5
519 of 723