Jun 16, 1991
Private Venue (Niles District, California)
Tour Rarity Rank: 30th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Dry IceTour Debut
Played stripped down due to P.A. difficulties
1 of 3
10 of 20
2. KnowledgeCover
Played stripped down due to P.A difficulties
3 of 15
13 of 756
3. Don't Leave Me
7 of 22
25 of 85
4. Christie Road
6 of 23
6 of 209
5. Paper Lanterns
9 of 24
21 of 285
6. At the Library
7 of 24
25 of 108
7. Disappearing Boy
Aborted due to the cops showing up to shut down the show
6 of 18
21 of 124