Oct 17, 1995
Seattle Center Arena (Seattle, Washington)
Tour Rarity Rank: 56th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Armatage Shanks
3 of 42
8 of 67
2. BratTour Debut
1 of 33
3 of 54
3. Welcome to Paradise
18 of 57
168 of 732
4. Geek Stink Breath
14 of 50
17 of 275
5. Chump
16 of 49
105 of 206
6. Longview
16 of 56
141 of 1010
7. Stuck With Me
12 of 40
12 of 66
8. Basket Case
17 of 57
88 of 1028
9. 86Tour DebutSong Debut
First known performance
1 of 27
1 of 40
10. Dominated Love Slave
12 of 45
93 of 234
11. Jaded
14 of 46
16 of 697