Nov 11, 1997
Tower Records (New York, New York)
Tour Rarity Rank: 4th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Nice Guys Finish Last
2 of 3
12 of 218
2. Hitchin' a Ride
7 of 8
16 of 774
3. The Grouch
2 of 3
7 of 78
4. Brain Stew
2 of 2
38 of 680
5. Jaded
2 of 2
61 of 697
6. KnowledgeTour DebutCover
1 of 1
175 of 756
7. Chump
3 of 3
149 of 206
8. Longview
3 of 4
193 of 1010
9. Basket Case
2 of 3
139 of 1028